

  THE CHANGE OF THE TECHNOLOGY What do you the teenagers in 1950s did in their free time? Did they play videogames, post photos in social media or read ebooks.   Teenagers wouldn´t play videogames, they used to play tradicional games like hide and seek and chapas. They used to spend all the evenings in the street playing and hanging out with their friends and having fun.   In the past the teenagers wouldn´t read ebook, blogs. They only read paper books because the internet didn´t exist. Some teenagers in the school had to read books like El Quijote, La Celestina and El Lazarillo de Tormes😒 .   Nowadays we have mobile phone, laptops, tablets, smartwatches, etc... In the past they only had a normal phone for ,all the family and this is very expensive!!! Do you think that the life in the past was difficult? What phone do you think my grandfather have?


  SCHOOLS IN 1950’S   Have you ever thought about what schools were like in the past ? Do you think it was too different ? In this part of the blog, I´m going to explain you about the schools in the 1950’s.   In the schools in big cities, they were a separation between genders, girls an d boys were studding in different buildings, but in small schools, in small villages, they weren’t enough people  to make separated schools, they studied in the same building.   In the schools teachers were allowed to hit the students, and everyone would s ee that normal and common. They used to hit them if they ha dn ’t done the homework, they went late or they s aid bad words. Hitting was normal and students couldn't answer back .   In the schools around 1950’s they didn’t have the books that we have nowadays. They used to have a bi g book for all the subjects that they h ad , and these books ha d different sections for the subjects they studied,   which used to be M a


 COMMUNICATION I’m sure that your grandparents didn’t have a mobile phone, however teens need a phone for fun, school and other things In the 1960s my grandfather used to write letters to communicate with his family and his friends. The communication wasn’t so fast as nowadays, but they also had fun. They didn’t worry about meeting up with their friends using the telephone, it was different and difficult then because the mobile phone didn’t exist. They would said “We’re meeting up tomorrow at seven o’clock in the park” When he was a child he didn’t have a telephone, but when he was an adult the technology advanced and the landline was created and then years later the mobile phone. Do you use the mobile phone a lot?


  FASHION IN THE 40´S   Nowadays , teenagers love fashion and also following the celebrities trends like clothes or haircuts . But how did our grand arents get inspired ?   My grandma told me that she and her friends would wear short and coloured hair . An unusual thing , is that they used to wear carde d hair ! This is a style that ir our generations is not known , and nobody styles it .   In the past there were a lot of styles and a lot of groups of people with the the same type of clothes . But around the 60´s, the hippie style   stood out a lot among the teenagers . The girls would use short dresses with fringes and tank tops with flare jeans, many times they used to be courduroy trousers .   In the 1980´s 1990´s, so many people would listen to rock bands , and they used to follow their dress style , or at least , their logos embodied on T- shirts , or jackets .   So, knowing


  THE CHANGES OF MUSIC     Nowadays , everyone listens to music using Spotify or YouTube, but would you believe me if I told you that our parents didn’t have Spotify? In this blog, I’ll tell you more interesting facts about music in the past .   My mom used to listen to Pop and R ock Music.   Her favourite singer was “ Rick Astley ” but her favourite bands were “El último de la fila” and “Hombres G”. When she was older , she started to listen to many singers that we known nowadays like “Estopa” , “ Pablo Alborán”…   She used to ask over her friends for listening to “Hombres G” .   She would listen to music using a cassette but when she grew up, she started to use a walkman.   She also went to many concerts , actually she decided to go with me to some concerts of different singers and bands like Melendi and Estopa this year .   Is the music that our parents used to listen similar to the music we listen nowadays ?